Bluffton Today recently published an article with photos highlighting a group of students using Foundation grants to for an educational project at Oscar Frazier Park. Lisa Carroll, Chairman of the Foundation, says, "This is an excellent example of how our grants help students go above and beyond the lessons restricted to the regular classroom curriculum. Among the many things they learned from this project, student also learned determination and perseverance, since the project was begun before the pandemic."
From Bluffton Today:
A group of Bluffton students got the chance to complete a public art project that was delayed for more than a year by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ten fourth- and fifth-grade students at M.C. Riley Elementary School gathered June 5 to create a mural at the Oscar Frazier Park pavilion, art teacher JoEllen Jacobs said.
The Bluffton Rotary Club approached the school in 2019 about creating the mural at the park’s new pavilion. Jacobs said she received a grant from the Foundation for Educational Excellence to help complete the project.