Recently, The Foundation for Educational Excellence presented the Dr. Wayne Carbiener “Above and Beyond” Award to Aimee Whitesell, a science teacher at Battery Creek High School.
She received a $1000 grant from The Foundation of Educational Excellence through the Dr. Wayne Carbiener Family in recognition for her great work. The award is presented annually to the Beaufort County School District’s Teacher of the Year in honor of former Beaufort County Board of Education member and Foundation for Educational
Excellence supporter, Dr. Wayne Carbiener. Each year, his family honors his profound commitment to our teachers by awarding the grant that reflects his legacy of support and admiration for Beaufort County’s public school teachers.
Pictured above from left to right: Battery Creek HS Principal, Denise Lessard; Foundation Chair, Lisa Carroll; Beaufort County District Teacher of the Year, Aimee Whitesell; and Foundation Board Members - Carol Ruff and Carole Ingram.