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Toolkits for Teachers

The Foundation For Educational Excellence launched a new initiative in late 2021 titled “Helping Build A Teacher’s Toolkit.” It was spurred by interest and discussions with Foundation board members, many of whom are retired educators who are aware of the struggles that new teachers often experience in the classroom.

The goal of these teacher grants is to help ease needs (beyond regular school supplies) in the classroom for first and second year teachers in the Beaufort County School District (BCSD).

This year, there are over 258 new teachers in the district. To help these teachers with their first few years in the classroom, the Foundation is committed to annually awarding eight (8) $500 grants to first and second year teachers in the BCSD for valuable teaching tools in their classrooms.

We’ve already received over 30 teacher applications for the initiative with more projected to apply. If we could gain additional funding between now and February, the Foundation would try to award more than just eight grants. The awards will be announced in early February 2023.

So, we could use your help! Your donation of $50 or $100 could go a long way to help us meet our goal. Please consider a donation for the new teachers in our school district.

To make your gift today, click HERE.

Thank you in advance for your help!


The Foundation has been awarding grants since 2009 and has awarded over $325,000 in grants to the teachers and students in Beaufort County public schools benefitting thousands of students across the county each year.

But we couldn’t have done this without the support of the community and local organizations that contribute to our cause.

To read more about last year’s grants click HERE.

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